Posting on Instagram

Many businesses are taking advantage of Instagram to get their content out there. But how do you get started? This episode will show you the basic strategies of getting started with posting on Instagram, and what it takes to create a successful account.

Your profile photo is your first step when creating an account, so make sure that this image represents your brand. Your bio should be clear about who you are and what your company does in order to attract potential customers in search results.

Once you have created an account for yourself, it's time to start posting! There are many different types of posts that can work well for businesses like yours-- polls, questions, quotes or anything else that might engage followers on the site. And don't be afraid to get creative with content! A photo of your product might not always be the best choice for your business.

Posting content on Instagram is a great way to engage with potential customers, but one post won't do it all-- you need multiple posts in order to make an impact and gain followers who are interested in what you have to offer. Make sure that these posts are relevant (you don't want someone looking through their feed only see products they can't buy). At the same time, keep in mind that variety is key-- mix up content types when possible so users aren't bored by seeing too much of one thing.


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